The UFF-FAU Grievance/Contract Enforcement Chair should be consulted when you believe your rights have been violated by administrative personnel. Your right to organize and for redress of grievances as a State of Florida public employee are defined under Florida Statute 447. A grievance is a specific violation of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between United Faculty of Florida and Florida Atlantic University’s Board of Trustees.

Since faculty and staff within the Bargaining Unit are subject to the provisions of the CBA, in most instances a grievance is an appropriate first step of redress. Please keep in mind that you must be a dues-paying member of UFF for the Grievance Chair to assist you in the grievance process.

You have thirty days to file a grievance. If you are a dues-paying member don’t waste time if you believe your rights have been violated. Contact your UFF Steward, or the Contract Enforcement Chair.

Grievance/Contract Enforcement Chair:

Tim Lenz
Office: 561-297-3214

Stewards/Contract Enforcement on the FAU Campuses

Arts & Humanities Building.: Amy Broderick, Visual Arts, 7-4315, abroderi(at)
Culture & Society Building.: James Tracy, Communication, 7-6265, jamestrcy(at)
Social Science Building.: Pam Brannon, Political Sci., 7-2074, pbrannon(at)
Business Building.: Barry Axe, Management, 7-3654, baxe(at)
Education Building.: Ali Danesh, 7-2071, danesh(at)
Comm. Sci.& Dis.: Dale Williams, 7-3238, dwilliam(at)
Nursing Building.: Marilyn Parker, 7-3376, mparker(at)
New Engineering Building.: Bassam Alhalabi, 7-3182, bassem(at)
Physical Science Building., Old Engineering Bldg., Complex Systems, Sea Tech
Dept. of Geosciences: TBA
Dept. Biological Sciences: TBA
Dept. Psychology: TBA
FAUS (Henderson School): Debra Vance Noelk, FAUS, 7-3970, dvance(at)
Library: Malka Schyndel, 7-0495, schyndel(at)
LA Building, Davie: TBA
ES Building, Davie: Bev Warde, Except’l Student, 6-1009, bwarde(at)
Tower Buildings: Shane Eason, 954-762-5246 (ext. 6-5246) eason(at)
Jupiter, Treasure Coast: Roberta Weber, Educ. Tech. Res., 6-8519, rweber(at)
Honors College: Dan White, 6-8651, dwhite(at)