FAU faculty senate softens its rebuke of Brogan
By Kimberly Miller
September 4, 2009
Florida Atlantic University professors are extremely pleased with many things soon-to-be former President Frank Brogan has done for the school, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t “angry as hell” at him. It’s a complicated relationship. Read more in palmbeachpost.com

DRAFT Language for a University Faculty Senate Resolution recognizing President Brogan to be discussed and voted on at the September meeting of the UFS.

WHEREAS, Florida Atlantic University President Frank T. Brogan has worked tirelessly on behalf of FAU and inspired others by his enthusiasm for the University;

whereas, he has served as a role model for public service on behalf of public higher education in the State of Florida;

whereas, he has served as a good-will ambassador to the communities served by FAU;

whereas, under his leadership, FAU has developed valuable partnerships with research institutes and other entities;

whereas, under his leadership and that of Coach Howard Schnellenberger, FAU has achieved national prominence in football;

whereas, under his leadership, admission standards have been raised; and

whereas, he has contributed to the development of student life on campus by promoting events such as student move-in days and late night breakfasts during exam week;

Be it Resolved that the University Faculty Senate, on behalf of the faculty of Florida Atlantic University , expresses its deep appreciation for President Brogan’s service as President of Florida Atlantic University .