May 26, 2011. Large cuts to K-12, Florida College System, State University System PECO projects, and utilities/infrastructure funding

To:                   Board of Governors, University Presidents, Chairs, Board of Trustees
From:              Chancellor Frank T. Brogan

Date:               May 26, 2011
Re:                  Budget Update

Today, Governor Scott signed the 2011-12 general appropriations act and released a list of line item vetoes that affect the State University System, primarily in the PECO category. Reiterating his reluctance for the state to bond more capital in order to construct much needed classrooms, laboratories, and research facilities, the Governor vetoed a significiant number of K-12, Florida College System and State University System PECO projects and a significant amount of ultilites/infrastructure money. Eighty million dollars in SUS projects was vetoed, leaving $43.5 million in PECO funding and $13.8 million in maintenance/repair funding. Here are the veto highlights:

a.    All university Utility/Infrastructure funds were vetoed except for FSU ($1.8M), UWF ($1.8M), FIU ($1.7M), FGCU ($1.5M) and NCF ($1.7M). A total of $8.5 million was funded.

b.    All university projects were vetoed except for USF Polytechnic New Campus Phase I ($35M).

c.    Operating funds were vetoed for FAMU Anthropod Research Laboratory ($500,000) and the USF Neuromusculoskeletal Research ($500,000).

Attached are several documents that we hope you will find helpful: 1) PECO budget summary showing a side-by-side comparison of what was requested and what was ultimately signed into law; 2) SUS Operating Budget summary showing a side-by-side comparison of what was requested and what was ultimately signed into law; and 3) Governor Scott’s veto message showing his rationale for the vetoes. We have highlighted two paragraphs on page 3 that relate closely to the State University System.

Finally, below are statements that were provided to the media by Chair Parker and myself regarding today’s actions. Please do not hesitate to contact me or our staff if you have any questions.

Statement from Board of Governors Chair Ava L. Parker:

“While the Board of Governors is disappointed that so many essential educational facilities will not be funded this year, we understand the unprecedented fiscal situation that both the Legislature and the Governor find themselves facing as they addressed the budget in their respective roles while attempting to restart the economy and reduce government spending. The Florida Board of Governors will continue to diligently exercise its constitutional responsibility by carefully vetting and scrutinizing any proposed investments in classrooms, research labs, and other vital facilities that are needed to support the State University System.”

Statement from State University System Chancellor Frank T. Brogan:

“The State University System’s steady 3 percent annual enrollment growth for several years now — contributing to our 321,000-plus total student enrollment in Fall 2010 — clearly demonstrates not only the growing needs and demands here in the fourth-largest State University System in America, but, at the same time, it underscores the well-known economic impacts that public universities bring to the economy. The State University System of Florida must remain competitive in order to deliver the workforce needs of a transforming economy, thereby creating the knowledge- and innovation-based career opportunities that will keep our students in Florida after they graduate.

“The Governor has raised compelling questions about how the state addresses funding for the construction of much-needed classrooms, labs and research facilities. We look forward to working with him and the Legislature to explore the possibility of different methodologies for sustainably funding and maintaining Florida’s education infrastructure.”

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