April 23, 2012. Next bargaining meeting to take place April 26th at 2:00PM

The UFF bargaining team met with the administration team on April 13
at 10:00 AM. We have already signed off on articles 2, 4, 5, 11 13,
19, 21, 25, 27, 28 with either no or minimal changes.

We will be meeting again on April 26 at 2:00 PM to discuss Article 3:
incorporating NTT faculty into the bargaining team; Article 6:
addressing parental leave and gender equity; and Article 10: producing
a sustained performance evaluation for those who already have tenure.
The administration may bring additional articles to the table at that

According to the bargaining survey, aside from salary issues and
protecting tenure, parental leave consistently ranked as a predominant
concern. For those of you interested in these issues, feel free to
contact us and please attend the next bargaining meeting for your
support. The more numbers we have, the more seriously the
administration takes these concerns.

More directly economic issues will be discussed later when the budget
becomes more settled.