April 26, 2012. “The state’s best-known universities say they can’t provide programs, faculty and meet enrollment demands without more money from tuition.”

(Published April 25, 2012)

TALLAHASSEE — As Florida Atlantic University and other schools proposed dramatic cuts, Gov. Rick Scott laid out strict guidelines Tuesday for any state university seeking a tuition hike this year.

Staggered by a $300 million cut in the state budget signed last week by Scott, Florida universities have been planning to ask the State University System’s Board of Governors in June for tuition increases of as much as 15 percent to help offset the loss of state money .

FAU also proposed last week closing its downtown Fort Lauderdale and Treasure Coast campuses . The University of Florida suggested possible deep cuts in its college of engineering. Most of the state’s 11 universities are beginning to partially retrench.

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