Become A Leader
If you want to be more involved in making and implementing UFF-FAU policy, advancing faculty interests, influencing UFF decision-making at the statewide level, or protecting the integrity of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, we suggest that you volunteer to serve on a committee, become a steward, or otherwise become active on the Executive Committee.
Stewards serve as key communication links between the faculty members in an academic unit (e.g. an academic department) and UFF-FAU leadership. In addition to assisting with recruiting members and assisting with UFF-FAU elections in their units, stewards make themselves available to members who might have questions, for instance, about an interpretation of the CBA or a potentially grievable offense. Stewards are not expected to have all the answers, but they can direct members to people who should be able to help.
Stewards are also members of the Executive Committee, and the steward program provides an easy way for individuals to become involved with UFF with a minimal time commitment.
The Executive Committee (EC) is the central policy-making body of UFF-FAU. The EC meets monthly in meetings that are announced and open to all UFF-FAU members. As is elaborated in the UFF-FAU Constitution and Bylaws, the Executive Committee consists of
- Officers
- President
- Two vice-presidents
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Chairs of standing committees
- Membership and Organizing Committee
- Communications Committee
- Government Relations Committee
- Solidarity Committee
- Social Events Committee
- Bargaining Committee
- Nominations and Elections Committee
- Past president
- UFF Senators (chapter representatives to the semi-annual statewide UFF meeting usually held in Orlando or Tampa; the precise number is determined each year based on membership in each chapter).
- Stewards
Officers and Senators are elected every Spring by the membership in a secret ballot. The President must be a Senator, and most other officers are also Senators although this is not required.
UFF-FAU is always eager for new members to serve as stewards and other EC members. If you’re interested in serving in either of these roles – or in serving as a member of the collective bargaining team or a chapter committee – speak with a current EC member or send an e-mail to
For more on the UFF-FAU governance structure, see the Constitution & Bylaws.
For a list of current EC members, see the UFF-FAU Executive Committee.