February 6, 2011. "If we permit public-sector workers to be scapegoated for state and city budget crises, we all stand to lose"
Author: jamestrcy (James Tracy)
NY Times: G.O.P. Governors Take Aim at Teacher Tenure
February 2, 2011. “Good teachers know they don’t need tenure. There is no reason to have it except to protect those that don’t perform as they should.” --Rick Scott
A Disaster of Tallahassee’s Choosing
January 30, 2011. "At the end of the day budget cuts are completely unnecessary."
FEA Frontline Report: Interim Committee Edition
January 29, 2011. POOF! HB 303 suddenly disappears, Budget shell game begins, Education committees to roll out "teacher quality" bills
Facts Could Mess Up the FRS Debate
January 25, 2011. "When you get past the anecdotal eye-openers, the numbers don't show a big, rich public trough for public retirees."
FEA Frontline Report: Freshman Rep. Files HB303 on Retirement
January 23, 2011 (Updated Jan. 29 w/ link to HB 303). Much of the proposed legislation involves fire and police retirement and may go nowhere, Major changes to DROP
News Roundup / Links to News on Florida Politics
January 19, 2011. State lawmakers in Florida and elsewhere look to public employee pensions to prop up budgets
Some Simple Truths About the Florida Retirement System
January 14, 2011. Florida legislators are attacking "among the five most financially sound state pensions in the nation."
Education “Reform” Group Hails Scott’s “To-Do List”
January 14, 2011. More vouchers and charter schools, Tenure to be eliminated for K-12 teachers
Florida Senate Ready to End Free Retirement for Teachers and State Workers
January 13, 2011. "Core part" of changes to involve employee contributions.