January 29, 2010. Projection of $2 billion increase would translate to $100 million more for SUS, Proposal contrasts with state economists' forecast for $3.2 billion overall reduction in revenues
Author: jamestrcy (James Tracy)
Crist Names Six to BOG Posts
January 29, 2010. BOG Chairwoman McDevitt not reappointed, New appointees include former clerk for US Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist, US ambassador to Bahamas.
FAU Administration in Violation of Statute 447.501(1)
January 28, 2010. Deadline passes for Pritchett administration to take responsibility under CBA before Unfair Labor Practice charge filed, Florida taxpayers to pick up tab for hefty legal fees.
FEA Legislative Update – Week of January 18
January 27, 2010. Predicted budget shortfall prompts "partisan sniping" before 2010 session, Legislators eye Florida Retirement System and state health insurance plan, Crist's budget likely DOA
Mississippi’s State University System Takes Aim at Tenure
January 26, 2010. The state that ranks at the bottom of the barrel in education seeks to follow Florida State and Florida Atlantic's example of firing faculty for alleged budgetary reasons.
Medical School is a Luxury FAU Can’t Afford
January 25, 2010. (Updated January 26) A medical school at this juncture will likely result in higher tuition, increasingly depressed faculty salaries, and layoffs.
A Message From FEA Vice President Joanne McCall on Member Benefits
January 21, 2010. New FEA Membership Cards provide access to major discounts on merchandise and travel.
Announcing New Features of UFF-FAU Website
January 21, 2010. "2009 Archives" category and "Search" mechanism ease process of finding information.
To Fire or to Furlough: A Tale of Two Universities By Way of FSU
January 20, 2010. Clark Atlanta University administrators have fired tenured faculty to deal with alleged budget woes, University of Illinois is implementing across-the-board furloughs. Which should be the "'aspirational' model" for administrators at FSU (and Florida's other public universities)?
Business Groups Propose Major Changes to Education
January 16, 2010 (Updated January 18). Jeb Bush's "repackaged wish list" to overhaul K-University education? Teacher tenure again in cross hairs, Message from Brogan to BOG, BOTs, University Presidents