January 16, 2010. A report from Tallahassee on events and issues of importance to public education workers and professionals.
Author: jamestrcy (James Tracy)
Project Vision Appropriates MLK
January 15, 2010. "Using the memory of Dr. King and the civil rights movement as a Trojan Horse for such a scheme marks a substantial new low."
University of Florida’s UFF in Breakthrough with UF Board of Trustees
January 14, 2010. Chapter signs Collective Bargaining Agreement with UF BOT after close to five years of negotiations.
FSU Provost Denies Grievance on Layoffs of Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty
January 5, 2010. What is taking place in Tallahassee may very well play out at FAU this Spring.
Science magazine focuses on Florida Faculty Layoffs
January 4, 2010. FSU Professor Michael Ruse's "Why I Am Weeping for Florida," in Chronicle's Brainstorm blog.
No Comment: 2009
December 30, 2009. The year in review via notable quotes from quotable notables around the FAU community.
Now You See Faculty Layoffs, Now You Don’t: FAU Administration’s Land of Make-believe and Denial
December 18, 2009. Alperin's refusal to bargain collectively suggests defense of ability to carry out future faculty lay offs.
FAU Board of Trustees Approves $130 Million Debt Issuance
December 17, 2009. Body that cries poverty whenever asked to invest in FAU's intellectual capital polishes up school's credit card for lavish new buildings, An "Innovation Village" without innovators?
UFF-FAU Collective Bargaining Update
December 16, 2009. UFF-FAU Bargaining Team reports that FAU Administration, BOT are determined to further restrict Summer teaching and keep faculty salaries depressed, Deadline for negotiations extended to January 15
UFF-FAU Poised to Bring Down Hammer on Administration’s Subterfuge
December 15, 2009. University Provost put on notice that continued defiance of grievance procedure stipulated in UFF-FAU/BOT Collective Bargaining Agreement will not be tolerated.