November 17, 2009. Passage of "strategic planning" and "accountability metrics" coincides with Nov. 12 joint meeting with Board of Education to sooth business lobby.
Author: jamestrcy (James Tracy)
Public Employees’ First Amendment Protections and the Threat to Academic Freedom
November 16, 2009. A message from UFF-FSU President Jack Fiorito on the U.S. Supreme Court's "Garcetti decision" and the AAUP's call for preemption
PB Post: PBCC “bursting at seams” due to economic recession
November 15, 2009. "Enrollment tsunami" at PBCC and community colleges across US, Struggle to serve students with dwindling resources
Florida Legislative Update
November 13, 2009. Pre-session committee week of Florida Legislature included no discussion of budget-cutting session, Jobs in education saved from federal stimulus funds
Florida Board of Governors and Board of Education in Effort Placate Business Lobby
November 13, 2009. Tenure-buster Brogan back in South Florida, Seeks "to make sure ... a seamless education system [is] institutionalized and not just left to good intentions of people who come and go."
UFF-FAU Collective Bargaining Update
November 11, 2009. The UFF-FAU Bargaining Team reports on its series of meetings with Board of Trustees representatives to negotiate the 2009-12 Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Notes From the Recruiting Front: FAU Faculty Express Malaise, Concerns Over Lack of Community
November 10, 2009. "... [S]ome colleagues remain resigned to the fact that their voice does not matter, that they hold no control, that the fight has long since been lost even before it has begun. Other faculty fear retribution from some of their colleagues and the administration if they decide to join the union. Such symptoms not only reveal the emergence of a severely dysfunctional work environment, but also an atmosphere that suffocates learning and the sense of purpose that university life is supposed to instill."
FAU College of Engineering Reorganization Survey Results
engineering_surveyresults1(Excel Document) In October UFF-FAU conducted a survey of faculty members in the College of Engineering to assess their concerns...
University Administrators Nationwide Cry Crocodile Tears Over Budgets
November 3, 2009. "Cupboards are bare" rhetoric lowers expectations, Dupes faculty into working more for less.
PB Post: Consulting firm that tapped Brogan for state’s top university job is now aiding the search for his successor at FAU
October 28, 2009. FAU faculty and community hope $100K plus search process will identify candidate with higher education experience and focus.