October 27, 2009. David Feder and Anthony Barber reappointed to FAU BOT for five year terms that begin in January.
Author: jamestrcy (James Tracy)
FAU Administrators Trumpet Good Will After Year of Stuffing Professors’ Stockings with Lumps of Coal
October 26, 2009. "Extended Holiday Schedule" purports to "recognize the continued dedication of our hard-working faculty and staff." Failure to explain who will benefit most from policy.
FAU To Pay $88K Plus Expenses to Same Consultancy that Presided Over Frank Brogan’s Ascent to SUS Chancellorship
October 21, 2009. Board members unanimously approve deal announced by Chair Blosser.
St. Pete Times: Florida Chamber of Commerce Should Put Up or Shut Up
October 20, 2009. "For 20 years, the state's contribution to higher education has been in decline. State investment will need a fairer tax structure that raises more revenue, and the chamber does not want to champion changes that would cost its members money."
Envisioning Faculty Layoffs
October 14, 2009. Ready or not, "Enterprise Resource Planning" is here, Why should faculty be concerned?
Project Vision is Clemmons’ Brainchild, Email Exchange Suggests
October 12, 2009. Emails obtained under Florida Sunshine Law indicate efficiency expert's key role in FAU reorganization
FAU Administrators and Faculty Clash over Engineering Reorganization
October 9, 2009. Minutes to the October 2 College of Engineering Faculty Meeting reveal professors' frustration over Dean Stevens' undemocratic style, creation of "functional units" with business consultant Susan Clemmons,
New Feature of UFF-FAU Website: “Important Documents”
October 7, 2009. A new department on UFF-FAU's website provides easy access to documents on FAU's actual financial condition, the university's privileging of administrative/professional personnel over faculty, Administrator evaluations, and the February 2009 Impasse Hearing
Academic Freedom at Commuter Universities: Market Metaphors and the Public Interest
October 5, 2009. Twenty years ago FAU's crisis of purpose and direction was no less acute than it is today, Academic freedom, the vital prerequisite to critical thought and inquiry, remains imperiled by Florida legislators and university administrators beholden to market principles, vocationalism, and enrollment growth, Such tendencies have only become more pronounced through the 1990s and 2000s
Dean Karl Stevens Slated to Present Reorganization of College of Engineering to Faculty Senate
Updated October 2, 2009. With layoffs not yet rescinded UFS will provide venue for action it unanimously condemned at emergency meeting on June 5, Reorganization preceded termination of five professors, making FAU nationally infamous as "the university that fires tenured faculty"