June 18, 2009. "The new structure was the brain child of a business management consultant and addressed the need for efficiency in the business operations of the college."
June 18, 2009. "The new structure was the brain child of a business management consultant and addressed the need for efficiency in the business operations of the college."
UFF-FAU Chapter Officers 2013-14 Robert Zoeller, President Meredith Mountford, 1st Vice-President Ali Farazamand, 2nd Vice-President Leah Plocharczyk, Secretary Shane Eason,...
June 16, 2009 “If the administration can fire [tenured professors in the College of Engineering], it can fire any of...
United Faculty of Florida Florida Education Association American Federation of Teachers Higher Education (AFT) National Education Association Higher Education (NEA)...
FAU Faculty and Staff Homepage FAU Faculty Senate FAU Human Resources FAU Board of Trustees FAU homepage
“Our senior professors on a comparative side are fairing competitively–fairly well against our peer universities in the state and in...
UFF-FAU Executive Committee Meetings (All Members Welcome) TBA UFF-FAU Bargaining Training Session TBA United Faculty of Florida 2012 Statewide Meeting...
June 3, 2009. It is not the easiest thing to introduce oneself in the midst of a crisis, so I...
Florida Atlantic University gained national recognition when its football team won back-to-back bowl games. If a competition existed for depressed...