The entire Collective Bargaining Agreement will be open for negotiations this academic year. On Friday, November 20th, the two teams met and agreed that the following articles will be discussed while the others will remain substantively unchanged. Article 23 – Salaries – remains UFF’s top priority.
On Friday, December 18, administration shared proposals for Articles 3 and 6. UFF shared proposals for Articles 5 and 23.
The next meeting dates have been scheduled for January 15 and 29.
Please review the current contract at If you have any concerns about the language in the existing contract, contact Susan Reilly at or
In Solidarity,
Susan Reilly, Sunil Babbar, Sharmila Vishwasrao, Bob Zoeller, Meredith Mountford, Thomas Fernandez, and Debra Vance Noelk
Articles Marked for Discussion:
5 Academic Freedom
6 Non Discrimination
8 Appointment
9 Assignment of Responsibilities
10 Performance Evaluation
14 Promotion
15 Tenure
16 Disciplinary Action
17 Leaves
18 Intellectual Property
19 Conflict of Interest
20 Grievances
23 Salaries
24 Benefits
26 Payroll Deduction
30 Duration
Appendices A – G