August 27, 2009. Results of the UFF-FAU Faculty Survey on Administrators conducted in Spring and Summer 2008.
Category: <span>Archives</span>
Shake Hands with the Devil
August 25, 2009. Engineering faculty member gets tenured position back, but with a catch.
Brogan Era’s Final Throes
August 22, 2009. Brogan presidency to conclude with series of ceremonial events, State of the University address, Palm Beach Post reporter writes.
Insurance Mogul’s Name Removed From Business School
Updated August 25, 2009. FAU BOT (perhaps appropriately) memorializes Kaye's $5 million with the "Barry Kaye Program of Risk Management and Insurance" in FAU's College of Business.
Authority Requires Mutual Respect
July 17, 2009 Florida’s State University System has a new Chancellor: FAU President Frank Brogan. The Board of Governors selection,...
The Importance of Contract Enforcement
July 3, 2009. A good deal of misunderstanding and even misinformation surrounds the UFF-FAU/BOT Collective Bargaining Agreement and how the...
South Florida Sun Sentinel 2009-10
Recent news stories by the Sun Sentinel's education reporter relating to FAU faculty-related affairs and organization.
FAU president’s video endorsement of “Destiny” raises questions
August 13, 2009. Frank Brogan has melded his identity to FAU's "brand" over the past six years, Should he now be using both to promote private, for-profit ventures?
“A + B = C”: The Fine Art of Breaking Tenure and Bypassing Faculty Governance
August 10, 2009. Transcript of tenure's last stand on June 17 before future SUS Chancellor Frank Brogan, FAU Board of Trustees Chair Nancy Blosser, Vice Chair Scott Adams, Trustee David Feder
Brogan’s Missive Tells Just One Side of Story
August 5, 2009. In a August 3 letter to Governor Crist, Brogan depicts himself as benevolent leader, Undergraduate Engineering course offerings lack instructors