March 1, 2011. Bills would effectively wipe out collective bargaining
Category: <span>Home</span>
FEA Right Now
March 1, 2011. Comprehensive roundup of news related to UFF/FEA and the most recent information on proposed legislation impacting Florida public employees
Your Union: Fighting to Protect Due Process, Academic Freedom and Tenure
February 28, 2011. An urgent message from UFF-FAU President James Tracy on how new legislation could eliminate UFF and Collective Bargaining Agreement protections altogether
Florida Governor Rick Scott Discusses Plans for State Employees, FRS
February 27, 2011. "If you didn't have collective bargaining would it be better for the state? Absolutely."
Changes modestly improve Senate Pension bill
February 24, 2011. Legislation remains a tax on teachers, public employees, Forces new hires into 401(K) style plan
FEA Right Now
February 21, 2011. Comprehensive roundup of news related to UFF/FEA and the most recent information on proposed legislation impacting Florida public employees
FEA Frontline Report
February 19, 2011. Wisconsin citizens stand up for public employee rights, SB1130 admits FRS faces no crisis, New state employees to be given 401K-type "defined contribution" plan, Please call your legislators!
FEA Frontline Report
February 16, 2011. "Teacher Quality" bill passes Senate Appropriations Subcommittee, "Pension Reform" bill set for public hearing February 18
Wisconsin Governor Launches Attack on Public Sector Employees and Unions
February 16, 2011. Threatens to Deploy National Guard to Quell Labor Protests, Conquering "one of the strongest and most effective teachers' unions" could lead to nationwide war on public employees' bargaining rights.
FEA Frontline Report
February 12, 2011. Thrasher to unions: "Shut up and Kiss Me [maybe a little]," "Teacher Quality" bill passes committee, TABOR keeps coming back, Gov. Scott's budget proposal,