December 26, 2010. Says Payroll "not required" to promptly address mistakes in faculty salaries
Category: <span>Home</span>
Hey Dude, Where’s My Retroactive Raise Money?
December 21, 2010. A message to FAU Bargaining Unit members on what went wrong
Tampa Tribune: Bigger Budget Shortfall Expected Next Year
December 15, 2010. Analysts lower expectations for tax receipts, State economist says revenue enough to cover this year's gap, but that means much less for 2011-12.
PB Post: Federal Stimulus Money Did Little to Help Florida Colleges and Universities
December 13, 2010. FAU says stimulus dollars used to keep equivalent of 242 faculty on payroll, Funds from tuition increases come into play after stimulus runs out
Secret GOP Plan: Push States to Declare Bankruptcy and Smash Unions
December 13, 2010. Congressional Republicans may make it more difficult for states to cover budgetary shortfalls in coming years
Gov.-elect Scott Eyes Cuts to State Employee Pensions
December 10, 2010. Republican legislators plan to cut $1.4 billion from FRS, "[State employees] don't contribute and that's wrong" Everything on table
Red Sky in Morning …
December 6, 2010. The fall semester has been positive for FAU in many ways, but stormy weather lies ahead
Governor-elect Scott Names Michelle Rhee to Education Reform Team
December 4, 2010. Controversial Washington DC Schools chancellor sacked teachers and battled unions before resigning under fire, Proponents of privatized higher-ed and school vouchers also appointed
Please Consider Supporting UFF-PAC
December 1, 2010. United Faculty of Florida is not able to use dues for political activities, yet policies that negatively or positively impact our profession are almost always political
Orland Sentinel: Florida’s GOP Legislators Should Target Pensions
November 23, 2010. Attacks on FRS that FEA helped defeat last spring will be revived as 2011 legislative sessions revs up