May 10, 2010. Perks also include "full size" automobile, potential $50K merit bonus, Saunders announces undergrad scholarship initiative.
Category: <span>Home</span>
FAU Administration’s Response on Refiling I-9 Forms
May 10, 2010. Interim Director of Human Resources tells UFF that bargaining unit faculty and staff "will be disciplined for misconduct, up to and including termination" for failing to comply with E-Verify process.
Palm Beach County School District to Prohibit Anti-Gay Discrimination
May 5, 2010. It has taken over 19 years for the School Board to formally ban discrimination based on sexual orientation. "Good things come to those who wait, and we have waited a long, long time," said Rand Hoch, President of the Palm Beach County Human Rights Council.
FEA Frontline Report
May 4, 2010. Final Week of the 2010 legislative session, Report on budget, higher ed, DROP and FRS.
Support Florida’ Higher Ed Budget!
May 3, 2010. Got a minute?! Tell Governor Crist to sign the state budget without using the line-item veto on any revenue going toward higher education.
Some Worthwhile Questions Concerning the FAU Budget
May 3, 2010. FAU administrators' concerns over budget contradicted by recent extravagances, Raises for designated few as faculty salaries reach new lows.
FAU Faculty Salaries Reached New Lows Under Brogan, Pritchett
May 3, 2010. In 1999-2000 FAU paid faculty more than FIU and FIT, FAU faculty salaries are now the lowest in the state, Objective 5 of BOT Strategic Plan remains glaringly unfulfilled.
The View From Underneath My Desk
May 1, 2010. Time to hunker down! FAU Administrators appear to be laying groundwork for reorganization and faculty layoffs.
FEA PPA Midweek Session Update – The Budget
April 29. 2010. No changes to FRS, In lieu of tax increase and to balance budget, "legislature cut programs, provided no money for state worker pay raises, and injected another round of federal stimulus aid - over $2 billion - in the budget."
Faculty Told they will be Terminated for not Re-Filing I-9 Forms
April 28, 2010. Administration's threats to terminate faculty for not electronically filing Employment Eligibility Forms may violate federal law.