April 28, 2010. BOG's Chief Financial Officer reports that State University's System 2010-11 Budget is 5.81% greater than previous year's.
Category: <span>Home</span>
Why Wait Any Longer? Join United Faculty of Florida
April 24, 2010. Join UFF now and receive up to three months of member benefits for free!
Brogan: State University System’s Operating Budget to Increase by 5%
April 22, 2010. Chancellor's memo to Trustees and University Presidents predicts "general revenue reductions for our universities will be held to about 1%; however, the entire operating budget will see an overall increase of about 5% when calculating all revenue streams."
Urgent FEA Legislative Update: Conference Committee Activity on Retirement Bills
April 20, 2010. Fate of faculty pensions could be decided in a Conference Committee meeting to take place on Wednesday, April 21, Let legislators know you don't want FRS altered!
Will Florida Atlantic University Incoming President Saunders Address LGBT Issues?
April 19, 2010. Florida judge and Palm Beach County Human Rights Council President Rand Hoch calls on FAU's new leader to adopt anti-discrimination policy, extend domestic partner benefits to FAU employees.
FEA Legislative Update: Retirement Bills
April 16, 2010. Florida lawmakers head behind closed doors for Conference Committee meetings on 2010-11 budget, Elements of the 30 retirement bills introduced this year could reappear in other legislation.
Gov. Crist vetoes SB6 teacher-pay bill
April 15, 2010. "This bill has deeply and negatively affected to morale of our teachers, our parents, and our students. They are not confident in our system because they do not believe that their voices were heard."--Governor Charlie Crist.
FAU Faculty Salaries Lowest in Florida
April 13, 2010. Recently-released AAUP Salary Survey shows FAU languishing behind Florida Institute of Technology and Florida International University among doctoral granting institutions, Tenured female faculty at FAU now have the lowest salaries in the state.
FAU Personnel Growth by Employee Category 2003-09
April 13, 2010. Over the past several years administrative positions have far outpaced other categories, particularly instructional faculty, FAU data suggest.
Privacy Concerns on Annual Faculty Assessment of Administrators
April 12, 2010. FAU Faculty partaking in the Annual Assessment of Administrators should rest assured of their anonymity.