Message From UFF President Tom Auxter on HB 1319 & SB 6

March 19, 2010 (Updated March 20). HB 1319 could cut FRS pensions by half; If SB 6 is successfully employed by legislators to eliminate tenure in K-12, higher ed will likely be next. DOWNLOAD PDF OF HB 1319, LINK TO FEA ANALYSIS OF SB 6, SIGN E-PETITION TO PROTECT TENURE

Florida Gulf Coast Salary Dispute Headed to Magistrate

March 18, 2010. "The University isn't rewarding years of teaching, service, and scholarship. Our proposals sought to stem the growing inequity in compensation, which currently sends a message to senior faculty that they need to leave FGCU to be valued. This simply isn't a good way to build and retain a quality faculty."--UFF-FGCU President.

SB-6 in the News

March 17, 2010. Florida Senate bill to measure "teacher performance" and eliminate job security receives wide coverage and commentary, Emblematic of national campaign against public school teachers