February 12, 2010. Necessary to address FAU administrators' continued stonewalling, PERC hearing anticipated in April.
Category: <span>Home</span>
BOT & Admin Med School Railroad Barrels Through Faculty Senate
February 11, 2010 (Updated February 12). Faith endures among faculty who've repeatedly been told to sacrifice.
UFF-FSU President: BOG Promotes “New Florida”, Seeks Boost in Higher Ed Funding
February 10, 2010. United effort necessary from students, faculty, parents, and other higher ed supporters to convince FL legislators.
St. Petersburg Times Editorial: Getting Florida Back on Track
February 8, 2010. "Politically, it is easier for legislators to dismiss Crist's budget plan and start slashing than to acknowledge what he has gotten right: Reinvest in education and the environment, collect the revenue from the ongoing expansion of gambling on Seminole lands, and get what help Florida can from Washington. That's where the discussion should begin."
FEA Legislative Update – Week of February 1, 2010
February 6, 2010. Special "fire-drill edition", Crist's "wish and a prayer" budget proposal allots $7.1 billion to higher ed, Repubs' devious "Right Size Class Size 2010", More tax breaks! Smith, Atwater & Cretul's personal responsibility defense: "Try as it might, no government (or parent) has the power to assure a high-quality outcome in a child’s education."
Faculty Senate Falls Into Line, Consents to FAU Med School
February 5, 2010. Concerns about project's long-term costs brushed aside by erstwhile budget-conscious administrators.
Palm Beach School District Administrators Invoke Layoff Bogey
February 5, 2010. Where have we heard this before?
FAU Engineering Faculty Votes Overwhelmingly to Rescind College Reorganization, Rejects Dean’s Plans to Alter Departmental Structure
February 2, 2010. Seventy-eight percent of faculty vote at December 10 meeting, "We, the Faculty of the College of Engineering and Computer Science, do not endorse the proposed organizational structure ... since the suggested grouping alters the traditional departmental structure, enables faculty reassignments and undermines the tenure process."
I’m Sticking by the Union…
February 1, 2010. FAU Eminent Scholar and UFF take on administrator's headstrong efforts to disrupt established and productive research program.
Lawmakers Skeptical of Crist’s $69.2 Billion Budget Proposal
January 29, 2010. Projection of $2 billion increase would translate to $100 million more for SUS, Proposal contrasts with state economists' forecast for $3.2 billion overall reduction in revenues