[UFF Preface: The American Association of University Professors allies with your union and our national affiliates, NEA and AFT, on...
Category: <span>News</span>
Academic Freedom at Risk After Decades of Right-Wing Attacks and Cuts to Education
Democracy Now April 10, 2019 Academic Freedom at Risk After Decades of Right-Wing Attacks and Cuts to Education (Click above)
The Creeping Capitalist Takeover of Higher Education
[An insightful article, but UFF-FAU holds some reservations towards online degree programs and courses that at times overlook the disparities...
In narrow victory, Miami Dade College adjunct professors win right to form union
BY MARTIN VASSOLO Miami Herald MARCH 27, 2019 06:16 PM, UPDATED MARCH 28, 2019 09:05 AM The adjunct faculty at...
Political ‘Litmus Tests’ in Florida
[Preface: UFF stands firmly against any legislation that challenges academic freedom] From *Inside Higher Ed* By Colleen Flaherty March 18,...
Union Family Bowling
Join UFF-FAU for an Afternoon of FUN — FOOD — BOWLING! Day: Saturday, March 23, 2019 Time: 2:00PM...
Americans don’t realize state funding for higher ed is falling, new poll finds
[UFF Preface: As a new survey indicates, most Americans think that state funding for higher education has increased or stayed...
Education unions oppose calls to arm teachers
[Preface: UFF and its affiliates, the Florida Education Association, the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association, have...
US students spend more time working paid jobs than going to class
[Preface: UFF believes student learning conditions are faculty working conditions. As a result, we believe the welfare of students are...
Discovery of fully automatic AR-15 in UCF student’s car sparks debate over guns on campus
[Background: UFF has consistently and successfully opposed guns on campus. We will keep you updated about legislative developments as the...