—– Forwarded Message —–
From: “A. Kader Mazouz”
To: [COECS Faculty]
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2010 2:02:32 PM
Subject: COECS Resolutions on Restructuring vote


These are the results of the votes for the two motions stated on December 10, 2010 at the College of Engineering and Computer Science faculty meeting, 78 % of the faculty in the college had voted.

Motion for a resolution on Functional Units: The establishment of the four functional units defined in the document “College Functional Units” and dated April 2009 shall be rescinded and those functional units shall cease to exist. Nothing precludes the construction of committees, groups, or programs that cut across departmental boundaries; but no such structure can be used as an administrative “unit” for the purposes of faculty reassignments, layoffs, terminations, or other personnel action.

YES 94%
NO 6%

Motion for a resolution in response to Dean’s DRAFT ORGANIZATIONAL PLAN of November 20 : We, the Faculty of the College of Engineering and Computer Science, do not endorse the proposed organizational structure of Exhibit C since the suggested grouping alters the traditional departmental structure, enables faculty reassignments and undermines the tenure process.

YES 92%
NO 8%


A. Kader Mazouz

A. Kader Mazouz, Ph.D

Associate Professor

Ocean & Mechanical Engineering Department

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