June 5, 2012. Group anticipates June 19th BOT agenda will include consideration of Fort Lauderdale campus’ fate

(Received from SAVE FAU FTL Alliance, June 5)

As always, we thank you for supporting this cause and our efforts to keep FAU’s only urban campus open in downtown Ft. Lauderdale. Please continue to spread the petition around to all those interested. Further, there is now information available on the next B.O.T. meeting at www.fau.edu/bot.

The next FAU B.O.T. meeting will take place on June 19, 2012 @ 10 a.m. on the Boca Raton Campus in the FAU Stadium, Recruitment Room. This will be a Committee and Full Board Meeting. The agenda has yet to be released, but it’ll most certainly include an item on operational costs for FAU FTL. Once we obtain more info on the agenda, we’ll surely send it around and post it up on Facebook. But definitely start thinking of attending. Aside, or if you were wondering, no vote was taken on operational costs for FTL at the past meeting in May.

Remember, the proposed campus closure not only affects FAU faculty, administrative support, staff and students, but it’ll dramatically affect local business, community organizations/groups, and neighborhoods.

If you haven’t done so, please follow us on Facebook and Twitter.



SAVE FAU FTL Signon.org Petition

Feel free to contact us anytime: savefauftl (at) gmail.com

-The SAVE FAU FTL Alliance