May 3, 2010. Got a minute?! Tell Governor Crist to sign the state budget without using the line-item veto on any revenue going toward higher education.From: Tom Auxter

To: All Friends of Florida Public Higher Education

Re: Support Florida’s higher-ed budget!

Now that the legislature has passed a budget that keeps higher-education funding reasonably stable, it is essential that all Floridians who care about higher education remind Governor Charlie Crist that he should sign the state budget and sign it without using any line-item veto to reduce higher-education revenues.

The United Faculty of Florida has created a website so you can spend ONE MINUTE of your time sending the governor a simple message: Sign the state budget, and sign it without using the line-item veto on any higher-education revenues. Click now on to send the governor a message.

WHY IT IS IMPORTANT TO CONTACT THE GOVERNOR NOW: The state legislature wrote a budget that is much better than I feared for higher education funding. The governor in Florida has the authority to veto any individual line in the state budget by reducing or eliminating the budgeted amount (line-item veto), and it is important both for this year and after the end of the federal stimulus that NO BUDGETED REVENUES FOR HIGHER EDUCATION IN THE LEGISLATURE’S PASSED BUDGET SHOULD BE CUT.

Click now on to send the governor this simple message: Sign the state budget, and sign it without using the line-item veto on any higher-education revenues.  Spend one minute now — you can use the site whether you are a UFF member or not, whether you are a faculty member, a staff member, a student, an alumnus/a, a donor, or just a friend of higher education.

Make a difference: Click now on to help protect higher education in Florida.

Then, after you send the governor a message, use the “Tell-a-Friend” feature to get your friends, family, and neighbors to send the governor a message.