May 3, 2010. FAU administrators' concerns over budget contradicted by recent extravagances, Raises for designated few as faculty salaries reach new lows.
Tag: <span>Administration</span>
FAU Faculty Salaries Reached New Lows Under Brogan, Pritchett
May 3, 2010. In 1999-2000 FAU paid faculty more than FIU and FIT, FAU faculty salaries are now the lowest in the state, Objective 5 of BOT Strategic Plan remains glaringly unfulfilled.
FAU Faculty Salaries Lowest in Florida
April 13, 2010. Recently-released AAUP Salary Survey shows FAU languishing behind Florida Institute of Technology and Florida International University among doctoral granting institutions, Tenured female faculty at FAU now have the lowest salaries in the state.
FAU Personnel Growth by Employee Category 2003-09
April 13, 2010. Over the past several years administrative positions have far outpaced other categories, particularly instructional faculty, FAU data suggest.
FAU’s Assets Swell to Almost $1 billion: 2008-09 Financial Audit Now Available!
April 1, 2010 (Updated April 2). As FAU administrators pled poverty throughout Spring 2009 the University's assets had increased by $76.8 million over 2008, operating revenue was up 14.6%, and liabilities decreased 1.3%.
UFF to File Lawsuit Against FAU BOT, Administration
February 24, 2010. FAU admin & trustees' refusal to arbitrate to be challenged through Motion to Compel Arbitration in circuit court.
Old Dixie, the “Devolution” of Florida’s University System, and Faculty Empowerment
February 17, 2010. "Educational reform" measures put forth by Florida's Council of 100 business leaders and endorsed by GOP power broker Jeb Bush require scrutiny in historical context.
UFF-FAU Files Unfair Labor Practice Charge
February 12, 2010. Necessary to address FAU administrators' continued stonewalling, PERC hearing anticipated in April.
I’m Sticking by the Union…
February 1, 2010. FAU Eminent Scholar and UFF take on administrator's headstrong efforts to disrupt established and productive research program.
FAU Administration in Violation of Statute 447.501(1)
January 28, 2010. Deadline passes for Pritchett administration to take responsibility under CBA before Unfair Labor Practice charge filed, Florida taxpayers to pick up tab for hefty legal fees.