April 18, 2012. FAU community voices concerns over M J Saunders administration's arbitrary decisions on summer classes, increased class sizes
Tag: <span>education reform</span>
Sun-Sentinel: FAU Students Find Budget Cuts Hit Home
April 13, 2012. Nearly a third of summer session classes have been canceled
FAU Faculty and Students Rally Against Slashed Summer Course Schedule
April 11, 2012. Chorus grows stronger over MJ Saunders' high-handed style and forced austerity
“The Classroom is Not a Marketplace”: Rebuking Rick Perry’s Prescription for Higher Ed
October 8, 2011. July report by U of Texas faculty levels stern critique of Governor's attempted higher ed "reforms"
Chronicle: Florida May be Next Battleground Over Faculty Productivity
September 14, 2011. United Faculty of Florida readies "to fight the changes in how [professors and higher ed professionals will be] expected to do their jobs," Frank Brogan continues to trumpet his support for plan
Red Sky in Morning …
December 6, 2010. The fall semester has been positive for FAU in many ways, but stormy weather lies ahead
Governor-elect Scott Names Michelle Rhee to Education Reform Team
December 4, 2010. Controversial Washington DC Schools chancellor sacked teachers and battled unions before resigning under fire, Proponents of privatized higher-ed and school vouchers also appointed