May 14, 2012. The faculty protest in late April was a last resort after the non-responsiveness of FAU administrators. What did we achieve?
14.052012February 19, 2015
May 14, 2012. The faculty protest in late April was a last resort after the non-responsiveness of FAU administrators. What did we achieve?
April 18, 2012. FAU community voices concerns over M J Saunders administration's arbitrary decisions on summer classes, increased class sizes
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October 8, 2011. July report by U of Texas faculty levels stern critique of Governor's attempted higher ed "reforms"
September 14, 2011. United Faculty of Florida readies "to fight the changes in how [professors and higher ed professionals will be] expected to do their jobs," Frank Brogan continues to trumpet his support for plan
February 28, 2011. An urgent message from UFF-FAU President James Tracy on how new legislation could eliminate UFF and Collective Bargaining Agreement protections altogether
January 4, 2011. Labor leaders say it's Republican payback for unions' support of Democratic political candidates
October 4, 2010. New leadership opens possibilities for strengthening ties between FAU faculty and administration.
May 3, 2010. FAU administrators' concerns over budget contradicted by recent extravagances, Raises for designated few as faculty salaries reach new lows.