May 14, 2012. The faculty protest in late April was a last resort after the non-responsiveness of FAU administrators. What did we achieve?
14.052012February 19, 2015
May 14, 2012. The faculty protest in late April was a last resort after the non-responsiveness of FAU administrators. What did we achieve?
April 11, 2012. Chorus grows stronger over MJ Saunders' high-handed style and forced austerity
December 26, 2010. Says Payroll "not required" to promptly address mistakes in faculty salaries
December 6, 2010. The fall semester has been positive for FAU in many ways, but stormy weather lies ahead
August 12, 2010. NEA's "Speak Up for Education & Kids" campaign propels Education Jobs bill through House.
August 2, 2010. Bargaining Team appreciative of 2010-11 three percent salary increase offer, Asks for modest 2009-10 half-percent increase to achieve greater parity with salary growth of administrators and other out-of-unit employees.
February 24, 2010. FAU admin & trustees' refusal to arbitrate to be challenged through Motion to Compel Arbitration in circuit court.
February 17, 2010. "Educational reform" measures put forth by Florida's Council of 100 business leaders and endorsed by GOP power broker Jeb Bush require scrutiny in historical context.