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Tag: <span>FAU</span>
How FAU Prioritizes Its Money
February 25, 2014. A new UFF-FAU-commissioned study finds disturbing trends in Florida Atlantic University's personnel and salary budget priorities, suggesting a developing inability for the institution to adequately service the academic needs of its growing student body.
University Press: FAU’s Faculty Rip President Saunders and Higher Ups in Faculty Survey
November 14, 2012. Many participating in the UFF-FAU survey earlier this year expressed frustration at the Saunders administration's disregard of students and faculty
2011-2012 UFF-FAU Administrator Survey Results
September 8, 2012. President Saunders panned for "micromanaging" university, disrespect of faculty, lack of transparency, and dubious approaches to budget crisis, Provost Claiborne faulted for poor communication with faculty, teaching cutbacks, and "a swirling vortex of comically stupid [credentialing] decisions."
Labor Day Message From the President
September 1, 2012. Welcome back to the Idea Factory! What's on the horizon for FAU faculty this coming fall.
UFF-FAU Analysis and Recommendations on Southern College and Schools Accreditation (SACS) Process and Report
August 14, 2012. Union receives numerous complaints alleging FAU administrators' arbitrary application of SACS accreditation procedures, Faculty cite potential attempts to undermine curricular decision-making
MJ Saunders Administration Attempts End-Run Around Collective Bargaining Agreement, Shared Governance
June 11, 2012. Provost Brenda Claiborne announces significant changes to Promotion and Tenure policy without notifying UFF or faculty governance bodies
Who’s In Charge Here?
May 16, 2012. University Press publishes revealing exposé on Florida Atlantic University's Board of Trustees, "[H]alf the board members have bankruptcy filings, foreclosures, or other financial problems in their past."
Post-Protest Wrap Up
May 14, 2012. The faculty protest in late April was a last resort after the non-responsiveness of FAU administrators. What did we achieve?
CBS 12: FAU’s new budget reality: Crunch and chop
April 24, 2012. "The president has a house and a car and makes so and so millions of dollars. Where's her cut?" --FAU student Monique Paramore.