May 29, 2012. After a hasty reorganization of the College of Engineering three years ago FAU administrators summarily fired five tenured faculty members
29.052012January 19, 2015
May 29, 2012. After a hasty reorganization of the College of Engineering three years ago FAU administrators summarily fired five tenured faculty members
October 8, 2011. July report by U of Texas faculty levels stern critique of Governor's attempted higher ed "reforms"
September 14, 2011. United Faculty of Florida readies "to fight the changes in how [professors and higher ed professionals will be] expected to do their jobs," Frank Brogan continues to trumpet his support for plan
August 26, 2011. Frank Brogan embraces Bush/Scott reform agenda
May 3, 2010. In 1999-2000 FAU paid faculty more than FIU and FIT, FAU faculty salaries are now the lowest in the state, Objective 5 of BOT Strategic Plan remains glaringly unfulfilled.
April 19, 2010. Florida judge and Palm Beach County Human Rights Council President Rand Hoch calls on FAU's new leader to adopt anti-discrimination policy, extend domestic partner benefits to FAU employees.
February 24, 2010. FAU admin & trustees' refusal to arbitrate to be challenged through Motion to Compel Arbitration in circuit court.