May 3, 2010. In 1999-2000 FAU paid faculty more than FIU and FIT, FAU faculty salaries are now the lowest in the state, Objective 5 of BOT Strategic Plan remains glaringly unfulfilled.
Tag: <span>higher education</span>
The View From Underneath My Desk
May 1, 2010. Time to hunker down! FAU Administrators appear to be laying groundwork for reorganization and faculty layoffs.
Will Florida Atlantic University Incoming President Saunders Address LGBT Issues?
April 19, 2010. Florida judge and Palm Beach County Human Rights Council President Rand Hoch calls on FAU's new leader to adopt anti-discrimination policy, extend domestic partner benefits to FAU employees.
FAU Faculty Salaries Lowest in Florida
April 13, 2010. Recently-released AAUP Salary Survey shows FAU languishing behind Florida Institute of Technology and Florida International University among doctoral granting institutions, Tenured female faculty at FAU now have the lowest salaries in the state.
FAU Personnel Growth by Employee Category 2003-09
April 13, 2010. Over the past several years administrative positions have far outpaced other categories, particularly instructional faculty, FAU data suggest.
State of the Union Address
April 10, 2010. UFF can help create a workplace where faculty and staff are treated fairly and with respect, but it is only as strong as the degree of member involvement.
Retirement Bills Update: HB 5701 Targets Health Insurance Subsidy for Retirees, Portions of HB 1319 May Emerge in Other Legislation: Contact Legislators!
April 2, 2010. SB 2022 passes Senate vote, Will re-establish employee contribution to FRS for first time since 1974, FEA remains vigilant and calls/emails have caused legislators rethink their actions
FAU’s Assets Swell to Almost $1 billion: 2008-09 Financial Audit Now Available!
April 1, 2010 (Updated April 2). As FAU administrators pled poverty throughout Spring 2009 the University's assets had increased by $76.8 million over 2008, operating revenue was up 14.6%, and liabilities decreased 1.3%.
FEA Frontline Report: Week of March 22
March 27, 2010. SB 6 passes Senate while House counterpart HB 7189 begins ascent, Assault on Florida Retirement System stems from legislators' burning desire to balance budget without raising taxes.
Message From UFF President Tom Auxter on HB 1319 & SB 6
March 19, 2010 (Updated March 20). HB 1319 could cut FRS pensions by half; If SB 6 is successfully employed by legislators to eliminate tenure in K-12, higher ed will likely be next. DOWNLOAD PDF OF HB 1319, LINK TO FEA ANALYSIS OF SB 6, SIGN E-PETITION TO PROTECT TENURE