September 14, 2011. United Faculty of Florida readies "to fight the changes in how [professors and higher ed professionals will be] expected to do their jobs," Frank Brogan continues to trumpet his support for plan
September 14, 2011. United Faculty of Florida readies "to fight the changes in how [professors and higher ed professionals will be] expected to do their jobs," Frank Brogan continues to trumpet his support for plan
February 16, 2011. "Teacher Quality" bill passes Senate Appropriations Subcommittee, "Pension Reform" bill set for public hearing February 18
December 6, 2010. The fall semester has been positive for FAU in many ways, but stormy weather lies ahead
December 4, 2010. Controversial Washington DC Schools chancellor sacked teachers and battled unions before resigning under fire, Proponents of privatized higher-ed and school vouchers also appointed