August 14, 2012. Union receives numerous complaints alleging FAU administrators' arbitrary application of SACS accreditation procedures, Faculty cite potential attempts to undermine curricular decision-making
August 14, 2012. Union receives numerous complaints alleging FAU administrators' arbitrary application of SACS accreditation procedures, Faculty cite potential attempts to undermine curricular decision-making
June 11, 2012. Provost Brenda Claiborne announces significant changes to Promotion and Tenure policy without notifying UFF or faculty governance bodies
April 18, 2012. FAU community voices concerns over M J Saunders administration's arbitrary decisions on summer classes, increased class sizes
December 6, 2010. The fall semester has been positive for FAU in many ways, but stormy weather lies ahead
December 4, 2010. Controversial Washington DC Schools chancellor sacked teachers and battled unions before resigning under fire, Proponents of privatized higher-ed and school vouchers also appointed