April 11, 2012. Chorus grows stronger over MJ Saunders' high-handed style and forced austerity
Tag: <span>tenure</span>
Florida Ponders Need for Faculty Tenure
February 6, 2012. After eliminating the tenure of K-12 teachers and aiming at state colleges, Florida legislators may now go after university faculty
“The Classroom is Not a Marketplace”: Rebuking Rick Perry’s Prescription for Higher Ed
October 8, 2011. July report by U of Texas faculty levels stern critique of Governor's attempted higher ed "reforms"
Chronicle: Florida May be Next Battleground Over Faculty Productivity
September 14, 2011. United Faculty of Florida readies "to fight the changes in how [professors and higher ed professionals will be] expected to do their jobs," Frank Brogan continues to trumpet his support for plan
Your Union: Fighting to Protect Due Process, Academic Freedom and Tenure
February 28, 2011. An urgent message from UFF-FAU President James Tracy on how new legislation could eliminate UFF and Collective Bargaining Agreement protections altogether
Governor-elect Scott Names Michelle Rhee to Education Reform Team
December 4, 2010. Controversial Washington DC Schools chancellor sacked teachers and battled unions before resigning under fire, Proponents of privatized higher-ed and school vouchers also appointed
How FAU Faculty Won
September 9, 2010. On overcoming challenges to tenure, truth, and what the profession at FAU is worth.
The View From Underneath My Desk
May 1, 2010. Time to hunker down! FAU Administrators appear to be laying groundwork for reorganization and faculty layoffs.
State of the Union Address
April 10, 2010. UFF can help create a workplace where faculty and staff are treated fairly and with respect, but it is only as strong as the degree of member involvement.
Message From UFF President Tom Auxter on HB 1319 & SB 6
March 19, 2010 (Updated March 20). HB 1319 could cut FRS pensions by half; If SB 6 is successfully employed by legislators to eliminate tenure in K-12, higher ed will likely be next. DOWNLOAD PDF OF HB 1319, LINK TO FEA ANALYSIS OF SB 6, SIGN E-PETITION TO PROTECT TENURE
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